
Below are the nominations NOAA has received from communities. NOAA is not responsible for the content or accuracy of the information included in each nomination. This information has been submitted (in accordance with OMB Control Number 0648-0682) to allow NOAA to evaluate the national significance and management considerations of the area as a potential national marine sanctuary.

Completed Designations

Chumash Heritage National Marine Sanctuary

Date Submitted: 7/17/15

Date Added to Inventory: 10/5/15

Date Started Designation: 11/9/21

Date Designated: 11/30/24


For more information on the Chumash Heritage National Marine Sanctuary please visit the

Lake Ontario National Marine Sanctuary

Date Submitted: 1/17/17

Date Added to Inventory: 3/21/17

Date Started Designation: 4/17/19

Date Designated: 6/5/24


For more information on Lake Ontario National Marine Sanctuary visit

Mallows Bay-Potomac River National Marine Sanctuary

Date Submitted: 9/16/14

Date Added to Inventory: 1/12/15

Date Started Designation: 10/7/15

Date Designated: 9/3/19


For more information on Mallows Bay-Potomac River National Marine Sanctuary visit

Wisconsin Shipwreck Coast National Marine Sanctuary

Date Submitted: 12/2/14

Date Added to Inventory: 2/5/15

Date Started Designation: 10/7/15

Date Designated: 8/16/21


For more information on Wisconsin Shipwreck Coast National Marine Sanctuary visit

Designations in Progress

Pacific Remote Islands

Date Submitted: 3/11/23

Date Added to Inventory: Not added. Before ONMS was able to complete its review of the nomination package to determine whether it met the national significance criteria and management considerations described in the sanctuary nomination process, on March 24, 2023, President Biden directed NOAA to consider initiating designation of a national marine sanctuary in the Pacific Remote Islands. NOAA looked to the guidance provided in the Presidential Memorandum when it decided to initiate the national marine sanctuary designation process for the Pacific Remote Islands.

Date Started Designation: 4/17/23

For more information on the national marine sanctuary designation process for this nomination please visit the designation website.


Hudson Canyon (New York, Atlantic)

Date Submitted: 11/17/16

Date Added to Inventory: 2/23/17

Date Started Designation: 6/8/22

For more information on the national marine sanctuary designation process for this nomination please visit the designation website.


Lake Erie Quadrangle (Pennsylvania)

Date Submitted: 12/31/15

Date Added to Inventory: 2/22/16

Date Started Designation: 5/19/23

For more information on the national marine sanctuary designation process for this nomination please visit the designation website.


Inventory of Successful Nominations

NOAA has determined the following nominations have successfully met the national significance criteria and management considerations described in the sanctuary nomination process. Areas under consideration by NOAA for national marine sanctuary designation will be selected from this inventory

St. George Unangan Heritage (Alaska)

Date Submitted: 10/1/16

Date Added to Inventory: 1/27/17

The ONMS Director has decided to maintain the St. George Unangan Heritage nomination on the inventory for an additional five years, until January 27, 2027. Below are important documents regarding the nomination.


Alaĝum Kanuux̂ (Heart of the Ocean) (Alaska)

Listen to the pronunciation of Alaĝum Kanuux̂

Date Submitted: 12/17/21

Date Added to Inventory: 6/8/22


Cashes Ledge Area (Gulf of Maine)

Date Submitted: 7/29/2024

Date Added to Inventory: 1/6/25


Addition to the inventory does not guarantee that a nominated area will become a national marine sanctuary. National marine sanctuary designation is a separate public process that by law, is highly public and participatory, and often takes several years to complete. View the Designation Process Steps Document (PDF)

Nominations Under Review by NOAA

The following nominations have been submitted by communities for NOAA's review. Learn about how the nomination process works.

None at this time.

Nominations Declined by NOAA

NOAA has determined the following nominations are not eligible for further review. Interested communities may choose to revise and resubmit these nominations at a later time.

Shipwreck Coast (Michigan, Whitefish Point, Lake Superior)

Date Submitted: 12/4/17

Date Declined: 10/12/21


Eubalaena Oculina (Florida, Northeast Atlantic Coast) – First Submission

Date Submitted: 9/2/14

Date Declined: 10/30/14


Aleutian Islands (Alaska)

Date Submitted: 12/22/14

Date Declined: 1/23/15


Chumash Heritage (California, Central Coast) – First Submission

Date Submitted: 2/2/15

Date Declined: 3/6/15


Southern California Offshore Banks (California)

Date Submitted: 1/9/17

Date Declined: 03/12/18


Nominations Withdrawn

NOAA has determined the following nominations do not meet the national significance criteria and management considerations described in the sanctuary nomination process. The nominating organization has requested that it be removed from consideration

Eubalaena Oculina (Florida, Northeast Atlantic Coast) – Second Submission

Date Submitted: 4/27/15

Date Withdrawn: 8/26/15


Baltimore Canyon Urban (Maryland, Atlantic)

Date Submitted: 12/2/16

Date Withdrawn: 1/30/17


Mariana Trench (CNMI, Pacific)

Date Submitted: 12/5/16

Date Added to Inventory: 3/13/17

Date Withdrawn: 9/8/23


Paperwork Reduction Act Statement

Submittal of the information requested in these procedures is required for NOAA to consider a site for possible designation as a national marine sanctuary. This information is essential to evaluate the national significance of the area, management considerations of the area as a sanctuary, potential benefits of designation, and evaluate any environmental and socioeconomic impacts.

Notwithstanding any other provision of the law, no person is required to respond to, nor shall any person be subject to a penalty for failure to comply with, a collection of information subject to the requirements of the Paperwork Reduction Act, unless that collection of information displays a currently valid OMB Control Number.